Just when you thought days couldn't get any worse

Feeling: aggravated
they do. So my day started off nicely. I got to sleep in for once and the weather was kinda chilly so that was a plus. Then I get to the office, go to desk and check my myspace. Nothing was out of the ordinary; I could hear Andy in the background lecturing about typefaces. Then I read a bulletin posted by an ex-coworker of mine, Ginger. I saunter over to her page and check out her pictures and as I'm scanning through I notice a comment from none other than my dear ole boyfriend, Austin. Let's get this straight, Ginger is by no means attractive. She plays D&D, WOW and is into anime and other things. I do not feel inferior to Ginger in any way shape or form. However.... This particular comment (actually two comments) are on this picture she took of herself in her front yard with a hat and weird looking button down shirt that she adjusted to sepia-toned. The first comment was in July 2007 and it said simply, "You're cute." and the second comment which was in November of the same year said "You need some new pics!" Sorry I just paused for about five minutes going through the rest of her pictures and finding even more comments from my "loving" boyfriend. I just don't understand in what fucking universe calling another girl "cute" is okay? Maybe if he had a regular/non-psycho girlfriend but he should know by now that I don't let anything slide. Period. If he doesn't like it then he should break up with me. So after this happened, I rush off to my first class only to be taken aside by my professor, who proceeds to tell me how stupid I am because I made a 50 on my first legal brief and that I have to redo the assignment and turn it in Monday for a grade replacement. WONDERFUL! The rest of the day isn't too horrible: spanish, constitutional law and then the UP meeting (with no Mary Lou btw!). A few days ago I made plans to go to Crystal's (club) with some friends this night. Courtney's in town from Delaware and she wanted to get out... blah blah... fucking lesbian. Seriously I love her and that's probably why it hurts so much. But she went after Kelsie... my Kelsie. If Kelsie's going to be gay with anyone, it should fucking be me. Even though I have a boyfriend and she's not technically Bi, whatever. It just hurts so much that Courtney-who-I-would-give-up-anything-to-be-with and Kelsie-who-I-love-so-much-I-could-never-tell-her, made out all fucking night. All of this going on while Jess is throwing up all over herself in the club. So the one night I go out in months, I spend in the car with Jess and Kels. I didn't even get to dance. At all. I drank two drinks and got no buzz whatsoever. I cried most of the night and held a cup under Jess' mouth so she could barf. All in all, today (or yesterday) fucking sucked. I never want to go out again. I want ot delete my Myspace and I want to drop a few classes. Hope your life is better P.S. Oh yeah, advertising is ruining my college career.
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