Hershey Kiss Earrings

Listening to: kakumei in my head
Feeling: hungry
I'm in journalism. It's not really that bad this year becuz I'm with all seniors and most of the chicks are Indianettes but they're the cool ones and Ashley A. isn't in my class so I'm happy. That was a really long run on sentence. Lately... well since Lindsay bought DDR and stole her bro's PS2, all I have been participating in is DDR. DDR=God. But yeah I love it so much. My favorite song is End of the Century #9 and Kakumei. I wish I could be playing it right now. But I pretty much have to wait until Friday afternoon. We cleaned out my garage and played for 8 glorious hours on the cement floor. It was fun. Me and Lindsay played with Chris Jehlen all day on Sat. and then for some time on Mon. We all had different goals: I had to get a A on End of the Century (which I did), Lindsay had to get an A on something on Beginner, and Chris wanted to upgrade to Standard (he didn't). Lindsay and Chris like each other... I don't care all that much but I did have a crush on him. He's sort of a dork and he's a fish. Soooooooo..... Lin can now be a nice little old pediphile. My fav class is Theatre Arts I.... it is so awesome. I sit next to a Mormon and a genuis. They're not the same person. Mormons are awesome! I have that class today along with journ., gvnmt =(, and band. Lunch is soon! Sorry this entry sucks... I'm paranoid about the Briggs. TTyl
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