to the survey lovers

Feeling: achy
*Ten People You Talked To Today* 01) Tyler 02) Melissa 03) Austin 04) Chad 05) Carolyn 06) Courtney 07) Alyssa 08) Steve 09) Sara 10) Jessica *Nine Good Friends* 01) Tyler 02) Sara 03) Matt 04) Lindsay 05) Melissa 06) Austin 07) Chad 08) Courtney 09) people in band... (they all amount to one person) *Eight Things In Your Room* 01) my bed (that attacked me) 02) paintings 03) pictures of friends 04) a dresser/mirror combo 05) faery calendar 06) phone (with really loud annoying ring) 07) lots and lots of clothes 08) tv, stereo, cds, movies... etc *Seven Things That Annoy You* 01) being toenail less 02) pulp less orange juice 03) my period 04) the possibility of impregnation 05) gas prices 06) when my friends do drugs and smoke 07) guys who use me on a daily basis *Six Things You Touch Daily* 01) my hair 02) my boobs 03) water 04) a toilet 05) my toothbrush 06) food *Five Favortie Candys* 01) CANDY CORN!!!! 02) skittles 03) m&ms 04) chocolate covered almonds 05) fun dip *Four TV Shows You Watch* 01) meet the barkers 02) i love the 80s 03) cold case 04) best week ever *Three Celebrities You Have a Crush on* 01) Jake Gyllenghaal 02) girl from Series of Unfortunate Events 03) any member of Green Day *Two Things You Can't Live Without* 01) music 02) writing *Name One Thing You Want More Than Anything* 01) a fulfilled life full of adventure, travelling, love, and all things passionate
Read 2 comments
ever read 'a time for dancing'?
your diary name reminded me of it
it's pretty good