Billy Talent=Huge Boner

Listening to: ska and billy talent
Feeling: good
Julie has an insane-a-big boner for Billy F-ing Talent!!! X 10 bajillion. Yeah it is a number. It's Sunday and me and Kim's skit went alright even though last night I totally lost my voice at the concert. Which kicked so much ass. You totally missed out. Silent October, Bennington (love, love, love), and a new band called Martyrdom of Saint Me played and they all kicked bootay. I got all the lead singers to sign my fake black converses. Yayness. The lead singer of Martyrdom looked exactly like f-ing Burt McCracken. It was so awesome... he had wonderful lip rings and his name was Byron... and he=sex. Who knew Reid Guidry was so hott? Who knew Bennington was so freakin' awesome? Not me, I'm dumb. Jenny's fucking lucky, dude. I thought I wasn't going to know a lot of people but fuck, freshmen that I don't even know, know who I am. Random people come up to me and are like hey you're awesome julie! and i'm like do i know you? LoL. I HEART THE FISHIES. Today me and Melissa are going to X Wave Skate Park to watch Weston do BMX shit. I'm excited. I've never been to a BMX show and I fucking love all that shit. Too bad, I'm too scared to do it. LoL. Weston's really cute... he's Melissa's ex and I'm not a slut like that cuz I love Melissa more than f-ing lasagna. Oh yeah I do! Tyler pisses me off sometimes... he's frustrating. Have a great fucking day!
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have a great fucking day. i like that.

it is interesting that i make sense to you. i sure as hell don't make sense to me. well, sometimes. when i'm stoned.
