28 Isn't That Old

Listening to: Kari talking
Feeling: groovy
Holy Poop! Last night, this 28 year old guy I made out with at camp called! It was weird cuz he's like exactly the same: still poor, still has no car, still working at the Y, and still wants to bone the hell out of me. It's craziness. His name is Shawn and he's actually pretty cool for being 11 years older than me. Now don't think I'm an uber ho, even though with all my entries of hooking up with random people makes it seem like I really, REALLY am. This is the story: At camp, this year I was the oldest kid... the oldest boy was 14 and insanely immature. Shawn was cool... he was the waterfront director and major lifeguard guy and he liked to chill out with me and shit. So on the night of my birthday, we were walking around the camp becuz our cabins were camping out together. We kind of stop and start talking about having sex and then all of a sudden I kiss him. It was a very bad situation becuz we were in plain sight of everyone and he would have gotten fired and sued and all this b-o-l-o-g-n-a. So we exchanges sn's and numbers but we never call each other cuz I personally never thought I would see him again. And he f-ing called me last night and we talked for 3 hours! My mom had to pry the phone from my fingers. He's gonna take me to eat this weekend and then we're gonna chill at his apartment. Seriously, that's all we're gonna do. Sara, don't look at me that way. I know that's what you're doing! It's not even a definite if we're hanging out, so hush! LoL. Well kiddies have a great day and try not to get kicked out of a Catholic church like I did last night! Women named Tammy who are fat, ugly bitches should burn in the bad hell!
Read 4 comments
HAHAHAHAHA you know me all too well... i was doing exactly wat u said at the time when i read the "Sara..."
hahaha reallly dont do ne thing!!!
ur not scared at all to be haning out with a guy that much older than u??
oh lol.
i wish i could be like that
im afraid to be near a guy thas like maybe 3 or 4 years older than me :-/