New Years Revelation

Feeling: young

I had all the good intentions of leaving SitD in the new year. But I figured it's been almost seven years anyway. What's another three and then we can celebrate our 10-year anniversary together.

I just had a thought. I'm not totally sure how to get it out there effectively.

Love is...

When the person you're with is the one you want to go on every vacation with. When he is the person you want to spend every night with. When the thought of spending a night away from him kills you inside. When you can't wait for bedtime, because you know you'll get to spend the night giggling. When the person you're with makes you feel like you belong.

That's love. Even if my mother doesn't understand it.

Even if it doesn't last forever, it's lasted long enough already for me to know what true love is. It's not a fairy tale. It's not what I always thought it was going to be. It's something that's cultivated yet natural. Happy, sad, exciting, boring, awake, asleep. Love is everything.

And I have everything with Thomas.

And yes, I know that I'm setting myself up for the most intense heartbreak I've ever know. But go big or go home, right?

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