
We have Indian Spirit and cheerleader tryouts today. I'm really not looking forward to a crowded gym full of people that are not interested in who gets to be our "Spirit Leaders" next year. And I'm in band and I get to play Cherokee over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. And then some. *Oh My God... he spoke.... he makes me feel like hot butta* Jersey Girl comes out today. I'm excited to see it but I'm going in with some skepticalness becuz it is a Kevin Smith movie and I'm ready to see if it lives up to any Jay and Silent Bob creation ever. Oooo.. in the mood to see Chasing Amy right now. Anyways, I got my aim up finally and my internet... it just runs slower than a motherfucker. It's annoying. I don't really have anything to talk about besides the fact that... I don't know... Meagan seems mad at me... not mad but you know. Bored and sort of ignoring me. Who knows. I need some kids to come see Jersey Girl with us today becuz if I have another night alone with Lindsay I am gonna die. I love the girl but three nights in a row of hanging out... it ain't gonna be good. This entry seemed extremely juvenile so I'll write later.
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hey thanks for your comment, although i dont recall saying i was 'hating on'anyone with problems, all i was saying is that i think the world sucks, because nobody gets help, and nearly EVERYONE is depressed, i got help because i have/had serious suicidal depression... and now im pretty happy, except for sometimes... anyway
best wishes