YEAH!!!...... YEAH!!!

Feeling: ecstatic
So i just got my new longboard, and as I have already told you, it is the sexiest thing I have ever seen, no offense to all you girls i know out there (not like my input matters anyways, but that's okay). But i've already gotten injuries riding it, which, from my experience is a good sign. So I'm glad, i've got a rad sense of freedom because i don't have summer school tomorrow or for a week, so i'm excited that i can do whatever i want for once, and that's why I say... YEAH!!! Even though I did miss rock and rollerskate tonite (stinkin rad ska show @ Skateland) but that's okay because i got cool stuff today. So goodnight everyone, and for those of you who know me (oh you elite group you) give me a call because i feel like talking to someone who's not out of town. So everybody have a nice night and sleep good.
Read 3 comments
sorry i dont really know you but i thought that i would ask...what is a longboard?
Real my journal. I left some advice for you in there
yay longboard! i'm so calling u and u are teaching me (as long as i don't DIE) i'm likin the ostrich..thing...