Summer Anticipation

Feeling: amorous
I'm so ready for the end of the year... it's like I'm standing on train tracks with a blindfold on and I'm just waiting for the end of the school-year to hit me like an oncoming train. I'm looking forward to simple things that make me happy again. I have happiness now, but it's not the same when there's always that burden of school-work of finals in the back of your mind. It's strange to think that in a month, I'll be half way done with high-school. I think that I'm going to miss being an underclassman, I love living up to standards as, "a measley underclassman". I think the first thing I'll do when school get's out is take my car to Hadas' house, pick her up, and we'll go back to my house, listen to jazz, play Mario Kart, eat Twix and talk about not having school work. (Hadas if you're up for it... I'm so there.) Have a sweet week kids. "Moe moe moe, how da ya like me, how da ya like me? Moe moe moe, Why don't ya like me? Nobody likes me!"
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i'm digging the way you just thought i'd let you know. yeah, half way through high school, crazy to think.
so up for it

(picture this....hummer limo)
i want the end of the year to come also. only 5 weeks or so...that's good. have a good day! ~ashley~