You'll Ruin It

Feeling: alone
This is one of those times in life that is best described in a song rather in than it text... but I stagger on. I'm finished with work for another eight days. A nice relief for how much I've been working lately, and especially for just how ridiculous work has been lately. Nobody actually works... I've already mentioned this, but I really mean it this time. Nothing guys. It's pretty much all me now. It's a good time (not). And I went to the movies with Julie last night too. I really like her. This girl is actually kind enough to give me the time of day AND give up her Friday night to hang out with me (of all people). Do you know how cool this girl is? Do you know how much of a loser I am? It's fantastic. There were alot of things that I wanted to say to her, and alot of feelings that I wanted to express, but something was telling me to wait. I don't know why, and I don't know how I did? But I did. I held alot back from her, which I sort of feel bad for doing. It wasn't that huge of a deal, but I keep telling myself that it was. I want her to know how much I care. Because it seems like when I don't tell people that, all they do it take me for granted. And off all people I want this to happen to, it's Julie. I don't know if this makes sense whatsoever, but I know it does to me, and I guess that's the important part. Because someday I'll look back at this entry and know exactly what was happening and exactly how I was feeling. Even though I've got nothing to do tonight (Saturday) I'm content in knowing that maybe Julie feels the same way about me as I do about her. Let me tell you guys, it's a really freakin' cool feeling. I'm gonna go play guitar for a while. Then maybe watch some TV. Then play Halo 2. Then sleep. You get where I'm going with this. Have a good night guys. (Now to put it to music)
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hey! i'd give a friday night for you any day! and i have!
i'm very happy for you davie i heart julie
thanks for your opinions on my dresses...:)