Should I Still?

Feeling: vacant
I'm writing this at the very end of my weekend, and I think I can safely say that this weekend consisted of me getting used for stuff. Now if you know me fairly well, you know that I don't mind doing things for people, as a matter of fact I enjoy it. But there is a fine line between helping someone out and being used by them. I guess it started on Wednesday of last week. All of the guys decided to plan a practice for Saturday (yesterday), which I was fine with, I was giving three of the guys rides. Kris was sort of the one who suggested it, so I figured he was up for being there. With TJ not being home, Mason being preoccupied and Purna not wanting to be there, it was just such a huge letdown. After everything had basically fallen apart for the day, we all decided to go to YC's, which was fine, but I had cart around Jared and be told that our plans to do worship at my church the following morning were put on the shelf because his girlfriend called and decided that they were going on a date instead. I had a pretty good time after that, probably the best part of my weekend. Paul, Best and I went over to Tyler's house and played some Monopoly with the whole group and Liz. It was a good time and a torrential downpour was going on outside while BB and I were showing off our superiority in Mario Kart: Double Dash. I thought that the rest of the weekend would go well, I just thought that I'd suffice doing worship alone with maybe one or two of the girl singers from church. So I was pretty excited when I had finally compiled a set last night. I finished working out the kinks and figuring out harmonies for all of the songs at about 11 last night. So I woke up bright and early this morning to get sound and stuff right before first service, but as soon as I got there Josh (our pastor dude (who is really cool by the way)) told me that we weren't going to be having praise and worship this morning, so that was a pretty sufficient letdown as well. I know with all of these things going wrong in my life, it just shows me how unimportant my agenda really is. I care for the people around me, even when they make me go to ridiculous means for their benefit. I try to at least remember that I'm not as important... God put these people in my life for a reason, I need to respect that. I'm gonna go to bed now guys, but just hope for the best this week okay? Goodnight kids.
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