Breakdown Benefits

Feeling: healthy
Of all things that one would consider good, your car breaking down would probably not be one of which. I guess what I'm saying is that I recieved alot of cool things out of my car breaking down this week. My brakes are getting fixed and the pieces and parts that made my car smell like gasoline are being replaced. I also get to borrow my mom's car, which is a really nice Lincoln LS. Oh, I bought something today too. My fifth Gameboy Advance SP. Yep, hopefully number five's a charm... isn't that terrible? Not much else really large has happened in my life, except for the regional spirit conferance I went to with StuGo on Wednesday. It was basically 2000 loud high school kids yelling at the end of every sentence they heard. It was a good time. I wore the Saguaro sabercat costume. 100 degree day + furry cat suit = a good time. Maybe my severe loss of energy was from wearing that suit all day. I didn't do as well at my meet that night because of it. I still got a 19:50 5k, but I think I could've done better had I have maybe continued to drink water throughout the day (which (of course) I didn't). One last thing before I sleep for the next 12 hours, we actually have a band practice, during the 1st quarter for school, scheduled for this Saturday... all 8 of us are going to be there... this is stinking monumental. Goodnight kids, have a stinkin' quacktastic weekend too.
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Gnarly sit
I miss you dearly...especially phrases like "thats quacktastic".
I love you.
You know that right?
hey anytime you can, add me to your aim and talk to me. id like to listen to some of your bands songs. squishmaster1
dude did u draw that in the paint thingy in the computer cause if u did thats bad ass lol.