Homecoming?... um, sure.

Feeling: awkward
Today was good, average... but one thing that really let me down was when I went in after school to see my spanish teacher and he said I was never in danger of failing, and he said I had a 75% the whole time... which really was stupifying for me, I mean, i could've seen Relient K... I could've done things. But I guess it's over now so I have nothing to worry about. I have the thespian initiation thinger tomorrow night, it should be good, we all have to dress in goofy sports outfits. Anyways, Hadas called today and told me some way cool stuff. She got a date to homecoming with this senior guy (yeah... that's what I said). Just joshin' ya Hadas, but hey if anyone has any ideas of ways for me to ask someone to homecoming, that would be greatly appreciated. Goodnight all.
Read 7 comments
you sound like an awesome guy. i dont see how u would have a problem with asking a girl to homecoming. i'd gladly go with u. :)
Davie.... leave a flower in each of her classes, in sixth hour... have another flower asking her... awww your cute! ILY sis
I don't have a way..but I know about three girls that owuld be happy to go with you you dunghole...
somethig lame i heard someone do once:go to the tanning booth and put those letter stickers on when u go until whoevers name you want to go w/ is on you somewhere...
U should ask that gurl in math out. Uhhh well it looks likes she likes u but i dunno
you like relient k ?! i love them !!! if you do you rock <3 !!! i love them so much ! they rock !
Hey David!! Your a crazy one. I know of 20 girls who would love to go with you. I am one of them. You are the best dancer(lol)! Dont worry! *Abby