Day 2

Listening to: The Insyderz- Jigsaw
Feeling: old
Today was a little bit better than days before. Some of the boys came over and practiced. Ian's drum set is still in my room, I guess we're gonna leave it there permanently. I still have homework, I don't like that feeling on weekends... it just has a way of raining on your parade. I also had rehearsal today, for Guy Pom... that's right, it was awesome... we've got dance steps, it's slightly gay-looking, but it's awesome. Sleep well everyone.
Read 5 comments
Are you in a band...if u r thats awesome, i am too! xoAmy-Lee
drum set huh? are you in a band?
guy pom? thats hot David. haha ill have to see that sometime. later

we're gonna hang out sometime David, car or no car! cause we don't talk as much..and that's sad..:( the face even thinks so (that was lame)
i was on the pom-squad in middle school. it was probably the most fun i had way back then. i think it's awesome that you're in it. i just have more respect for you now. hah

i really hope things get better for ya. you deserve to have the best, kid. really.

take care and have a great night :)
