The Good Life

Listening to: Batman Forever
Feeling: perplexed
Whaw... My life has changed alot since the last time I wrote in here. So much has happened it's weird to recap, but anywho, I'll do my best. First off, i'm writing all of this from my dad's laptop... which we have on a wireless internet connection in our new house. I also just finished playing for 4 awesome nights @ our school's coffee house. We're getting ready to play some shows too. So basically, I live in a new house, life is good, my grades are up, people are starting to respect me more than before, and overall, life is good. I'm loving just having high-school in my life and soaking up everything it has to offer me. Another thing that's happened to me is a change in my favorite music. I still really dig Ska and Swing, but I have a much deeper respect for...well, Coldplay. I bought "A Rush Of Blood To The Head" last week, and I can't get enough of it. So I bought the live CD/DVD, which is equally amazing. I've really learned about beauty in music over the last couple of days too. I really like this girl too. I'm almost positive that she doesn't feel the the same, but I press on anyways, like the sad, desperate little man I am. She's just one of those people who you can see yourself relating too. I really like when there's someone new in my life... it gives you something to look forward to. I went to Barnes and Noble today and spent a gift certificate my dad gave me (he got it for Christmas, but he said he'd never use it)... So I bought two C.S. Lewis books, Daredevil: Legends, Vol. 2, and a birthday present for Hadas... *evil laugh*. I'm going to go longboarding with my sister now, but I'll definitely write more now that we're "settled" (I use the word settled very loosely). Have a nice night everyone.
Read 6 comments
i was thinking, how could anybody NOT like coldplay?... reallly....
Woah, we're both in the moving process... what a kawinkydink! -jenn P.S. I love how your madre came and messed up my hair too hahahaha, silly family
Hey David, great job @ Coffee House!! You guys rocked (and made me laugh)!!!
DAVID! I need your new adress and your new phone number if you have one.
~Zach from Minnesota (the cold country)
Glad that things are going well for you! Isn't God amazing?! I'm praying for you
hey there! glad things are going well. so you like coldplay, huh? yeah, i agree they're pretty amazing. i love their stuff. good choice =D

cherish your years in highschool while you can. i have three days left. i thought i'd be happier about it, but now i realize how much i'm going to miss it. ah well...onward to college!!

take care and have a pleasant *insert time of day here*
