
Things are going quite well. I just woke up from a 3-hour nap and I'm feeling quite rested. That's a good thing, feeling fully-rested at 8pm. So I went out on my dad's boat with some friends and family today and among which was the family of my good friend who died tragically last summer. I love these people to death and I can't imagine what this has been for them. Having someone that close to you one second and not the next is something that I realized as entriely plausible last summer when all of this was going down, the entirely experience definitely changed me. It was nice to see them again thouh, I just can't ever forget how much I freaking loved that kid. It is, by all accounts, tragic. So things are going well with this girl I'm interested in, we'll call her that for discretion's sake. I don't have obligations with her or anyone going into college, but I want them (with her that is). As I said in my last, very long entry, she's incredible. And to be quite frank, I don't care what other people think about my relationships and what I should do about them. The fact of the matter is, it's my place to decide what I do with my relationships with people. I know I'm doing what's right. I've needed my own discretion lately too, I need to start trusting my own decisions as correct.
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Thank you David, Taylor loved you too..... we miss him so much, the pain seems almost unbearable to live with. Taylor loved the boat.