Spin Around

Listening to: Tom Vek- Cover
Feeling: different
Guess I should update. I was looking through a friends photo album of my Freshman and Sophomore year and I couldn't help but smile because things were so freakin' simple back then. These pictures were from a time when I didn't have to worry about friends becoming enemies and people doing things for attention. I loved high school back then. I loved all 3 choirs and I spent my time working in Journalim and StuGo (before Bashas'). I don't wish I could be back there though. I love where I'm at right now because I know that I have tremendous potential that I'm not going to waste. I have my own photography buisness now. How many high school kids can say that? I'm having so much fun with everything in my life right now that I don't really care about those people who "needed me" in choir. Because that's a lie. I hardly think about choir anymore. I have so much more going for me right now that I'm out of, that I'm wondering why I even wasted my time with it the last few years. It's one of those things that you wish you could've just picked and prodded at until you got the good memories and left the other 90% of it to rot where it belongs. I don't regret leaving choir. I won't. One thing I do regret though, is not doing what I was passionate about from day 1. If I could trade every minute I sat in that freakin' classroom for time playing guitar or taking pictures I'd do it in a second. Now Dani. I don't really know her yet. That may or my not be a good thing. I want to get to know her a little better before Prom. I want her to know that I care about her. I don't think I let people know how much I care sometimes. I feel life half of my feelings go un-expressed because I'm so sarcastic all the time. That's something I need to work on. Being sarcastic that is. High school is weeks from over. I'm excited. This is where life as a photgrapher begins. Or maybe a musician. Or maybe a buisnessman. I'm excited.
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I'm excited for you, David.
David -

Greetings from the Mastery. I could fill this comment with arbitrary graduation congrats, or I could tell you that we all miss you even if y
ou dont. Hit me up over the summer, we have had a lot of good times. (I have Super Soakers.)

Purna Shah