Make The Grade

Listening to: Cake- Comfort Eagle
Feeling: wounded
I'm very worried, things aren't going well for me academically right now. I feel like I should tell my parents about it, but I really want to get my grade up as fast as possible. Things have happened in all of my academic classes that have given me a much lower grade than usual. I need time to raise it, but with my parents, they don't let me. When I try to explain all they do it get upset. I guess I can understand, but I just wish they'd let me earn my own grade without getting the way. I think they should still care, but it just seems like the midterm letter is the most important thing to them, even though it says nothing of the semester grade. Alright, that's it for grades. I have an XBOX now, it's good to have money because I can do things like buy an XBOX and Halo 2 (which (coincedentally) I ended up hosting 3 Halo 2 parties in the last 5 days). It's a great game, but I think some people are far too involved in it. It's just funny when you have someone like myself who comes along and stabs them with the energy sword when their "hide in the corner and snipe" tactic fails. On to choir (as usual). It's really, really crappy (for lack of better words). I had a coffee house rehearsal on Friday, and I think I was the sickest of choir I have been, so I just left. I don't really care about the consequences she puts on me anymore. At this point I genuinely think I'd be happier out of choir. I'd be able to actually do well on my school work. I think I will... or at least definitely think about it. All apologies aside, choir has become a huge joke. I once loved to sing with my peers, but just as fast, they became a conniving group of self-glorifying divas. And for what it's worth, I don't really care anymore... they one thing I'm trying my best to prioritize now is my school work... and if that means quitting choir, so be it. I don't what's gonna happen in days to come. And Hadas, I see what you're saying about the "Standoffish, hate the world" thing... I do feel like that right now.
Read 8 comments
thank you David.. you are a very nice person.. hahahah

Hey David, its katie h.
I know what you mean abuot choir sometimes being all diva-ish! And it doesnt help when she is screaming all the time... But don't quit, cuz then there won't be anyone to sit on my lap! lol. Hope the grade thing gets better! see you tomorrow!
I know I haven't talked to you in a really long time... I'm sorry for that. I kinda wish i was there to take some of that brunt from mom and dad, then maybe it wouldnt be so hard. You know you can call me just if you want to rant and rave right? I'm happy to listen believe it or not. I love you very much.

I miss you too. See you this weekend.

David, I know choir this year is tough. Believe me. Even though most of everyone in choir hates me, and thinks I'm a bitch, or a diva, PLEASE, try to put yourself in my shoes or Tutnick's for a moment. It's a lot tougher than you think.
Also, a class is what you make it. If you're not feeling pushed, push yourself. I'm doing my best. I can't do anymore than that. I'm sorry about your dissapointment.
David -

I'm sorry if we pissed you off somehow, we really wanted you there.

- Purna
Ah Davie, that is sweet that you got an Xbox with Halo 2 (looks at you with a little bit of envious eyes ;-)) Haha, but ya dude, we will definetly be having some Halo parties and just relaxing and making sure we all are getting the grades. You are awesome Davie

I've thought about quitting choir. Here's my reasoning against doing so:
1. We're going to New York, which is sick.
2. If it weighs me down class-wise, I can leave to go to the bathroom and get lost and end up in my car doing homework (haven't resorted to this yet)
3. Keeps me singing

It can get tough, but you know what they say about hangovers. The best cure is a good beer. Fight singing with singing. Hope this helps.
