Tijuana Times

Feeling: humbled
I was given a huge opportunity recently guys. I got to go to Tijuana, Mexico with some friends from church and build a house for people who don't have enough money for decent shelter. I've never witnessed such hope and such joy from anyone let alone from these people. They have so little in comparison to anyone I know, yet they live wich such compassionate gusto that I can't help but feel like the worst kind of hypocrite. I love the stuff that I have, and I love life, and I love the people in my life, but I can't say that I try my best to be happy with bad situations. These people are living in terrible conditions and yet they have nothing to complain about, nothing to be jealous of and no one to despise or even dislike. I want to live like that. I also worked the hardest I've ever worked in a five day period. And I learned alot as well, I got to do everything from laying concrete to building walls out of 2X4's to tarring a roof to stuccoing an entire house. I loved it. It was exhausting and I was the filthiest I've ever been... but I'd do it all again in a second. I've got plenty of great pictures and memories and ruined clothes and scars to constantly remind me of this trip... it was unbelievable. I don't think I've ever felt so good about the work that I've done. Ever. Now my family's showing up for dinner so I've gotta get going, but I've got more to say later... much more.
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wow thats really great ^-^ -pats you on the back- good job mate!

_lindseh out