Your Family's Trade

Feeling: blue
It's Tuesday afternoon and I feel better than I did this morning... that's for sure, but things are still wrong. I thought I was going to lose my job today because of what I had to do last weekend. I told my boss that couldn't come to work on Saturday or Sunday, and I left. I went to Colorado and took pictures and talked and loved and did things like I usually do, but with the fear of losing my job always present and irritating. I went in to work today, because I work on Tuesdays, and I realized that I wasn't in fact on the schedule for today, so I'm home... for the first time in a good year. I talked to my manager when I was there and I got the last response I ever expected to hear. "It's totally cool man, I would've done the exact same thing... don't worry about it." How rockin' is that? So I'm cool with the Bashas' crowd again and I think that everything is back to normal in that respect. Okay... today. It was the first day of the spirit week I created to go along with the 'Stop the Bop' fundraiser for Student Government. Needless to say, people were annoyed by the constant repeat of the MMBop chorus that echoed across our entire campus. What I didn't expect was 4 fights in one lunch period and dozens of acts of violence towards me and Kody while we we're trying to run a dance contest. I mean, I've been called a fag before, but not over 20 times in a completely serious, violent manner in the same hour. It's days like this especially that make me so happy I'm leaving that place. I know that when my class graduates, all decency and compassion will completely disappear from Saguaro altogether. I'm glad I'm gone because I don't want to have to be there for hundreds of intoxicated, apathetic, harshly uninformed, needlessly violent kids running a high school. And I'm glad I'm leaving for a few other reasons too... I'm starting to notice these much more now that I realize that I have no incentive or even academic obligations to actually keep me at Saguaro, and it's sad too, because I used to love that place with a passion. Anyways, I sit down in Econ and English today and hear lovely rantings about last weekend and "10 shots of tequila... oh my God, I hate tequila, what was I f***ing thinking?" Not that this won't occur in college (it will), I just had relationships with these people before that fell into bad habits and became terrible people. It's really great to see a great friend from Junior High and Freshman year not remembering what happened the night before. Just jolly. Anyways, I have about 20 hours of work to do for this slide show I'm making. Take it easy guys.
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