She Said She Said

Feeling: great
She said yes. How sweet is that? I love it. Yeah, her name's Julie and she's fantastic, and she actually agreed to go to prom with me (i.e, the biggest dork ever). Marvelous. Otherwise, not much is happening. I went clubbing all last night with Purna and Ben... and when I say that, it basically entails us driving all over Scottsdale and making stops at seemingly random places in an even more random fashion. I'm going to see Zach Dodds' new band (McCoy) play today, and right now my mom is sky-diving... weird I know, but what can I say? She's just that intense. Life is good right now guys, I have alot to look forward to. I guess I have hope for alot of relationships and friendships in the future. Have an excellent weekend guys.
Read 4 comments
Hey nice have a good weekend too! And congratulations on the prom thing.
Aaw thats nice. I dont know you but im glad things are going well.
PS. and no ones a bigger dork than I =)
Who wouldn't say yes to you david? You're an awesome guy.
Who wouldn't say yes to you david? You're an awesome guy.