Questionalble Reasoning

Feeling: perplexed
This high-school drama has already taken a stinkin affect on me, and school still hasn't even started yet (one day left)... I don't like this whole cycle of "you like, or you're going out with". I just want to be able to love and not be bound by all of this pressure from my peers and everybody else... it just gets old after a while, the details I won't go into just to stay on the positive track. So Ross is over and we're having some fun, writing music and such. So I was reading through some people's diaries, and I'm still rather depressed as to what's written, and I'm not one to tell people what to think, or what to do, because that's dumb... and even though it sounds like i'm critiquing, it's just so negative lately... even when people all so blessed with all of the cool crap they've got in their life they see it as all worthless when one thing goes wrong, or the set themselves apart and say they're worthless. Believe me, if you're like that... you're not worthless, i know what it feels like to be used and to be rejected, i know it sucks but being negative and saying that you're not worth it is not right... so talk to me sometime, goodnight all (Aim= DoodLetsSkank)
Read 2 comments sound soo sweet!xoxo
yeah...sometimes things don't go right, but i don't think i've ever really said i was worthless. ~ash~