
Feeling: fabulous
Okay... band practice was a failure, but in some strange twist of fate, I wound up seeing Suburban Legends in a grand show and walking away with the first season of Sealab 2021 on DVD... which made for some good time-wasting these past few days. So I just got back from Desert Ridge with Royer and I'm starting to realize that I've probably talked about Desert Ridge, more than it deserves to be talked about (at least in my diary)... so not much happened. Okay, but probably the major event of the day was Hadas getting home from Israel, and she bought me candy and a way sweet Hebrew Coke shirt... so we went to Chipotle (naturally) and caught up on the last few months of our teenage lives and such. It was a good time. But now for the other end of the good time spectrum. Today was a rather ackward one in very many ways when it comes to my family. One thing that I don't enjoy at all is taking out my dad's boat with my cousins, or even when there's more than 5 or 6 people on the boat. So I didn't go this morning, I slept, and it was great. But after I woke up and had a grand time catching up with Hadas, I went over to my grandparents house, which much made for not-so-good times. First off, let me start with some background, my uncle that lives in Texas is probably my least favorite of my uncles. He constantly criticizes me and belittles everything I say... and never has anything nice to even associate with me, and I think it's just because I'm young, it seems as if he views younger people as objects rather than thought-capable human beings. So I don't mind my uncles making fun of me, many of them do, but they actually have nice things to say and teach me things like how to ski, or how to drive a manual transmission 1962 volkswagen race car. But this uncle just... he's just flat out mean, so today when I was playing gamecube with my cousin (his son) he kept saying blatanly sarcastic and rude things, so I told him to stop being a jerk. He chimes in with hey, that's almost crossing the line there, so I apologized. What I really felt like saying was something to the affect of, "No it's not, you treating me like trash and never having anything positive to say to me or any of my peers is crossing the line." But I held back... as usual, one of these days I'm just going to belittle someone. *sigh* Have a nice night though kids. P.S. Welcome home, Hadas.
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