Good Ends, New Beginnings

Feeling: reminiscent
I've made my decision, and lots of things are going to happen tomorrow. I'm done with choir, it's not hate, it's not spur of the moment, it's not personal feelings... I'm finished. I love making music, and choir is not going to take that from me. I think my sister said it best, "If choir is making you not like music, then quit before it makes you hate music." My sister was a huge help in listening to all of my thoughts and ideas about this matter. Anyways, I feel much better now. I talked to the accompanist/ assistant (Mr. Hall) about it on Friday and I think I definitely respect him for how he treats people and how he actually speaks to you like an adult rather than just dismissing your thoughts as immediately adolescent or unimportant. He understood my point of view most importantly. The only thing left for me to do is tell my teacher, Mrs. T. I don't know how she'll react, but I do know that I don't hate her, and I'm thankful for all that she's taught me... I'm just moving on to another time in my high school career. I've thought over it hundreds of times over the last few weeks, and I think I will miss some of the people, and I will miss getting out of class, but that's not worth as much as genuinely making music is. I'm tired of the politics and I'm tired of disageeing... people have said it before, so I guess I am just taking their advice, "If you hate choir so much, why don't you quit?" Well here I go. Have a great day kids, and have a fantastic thanksgiving.
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cool diary
it's not a lion it's a giraff
David I love the Picture of Humphrey Bogart.. one of my favorite movies is Casablanca.but I cant figure out what the girls name
Davie, I totally understand where you are coming. I think that for yourself you made a very brave, thoughtful, and good decision. I am always happy about how you put the totaly ensemble of music and how it sounds... before just how you personally sound. I love you Davie
David, I am very sad to see you go. You're a wonderful friend, and musician. We will all miss you. If you get a chance, please read my journal.
who are those people in the picture?