Repetition, repetition... wait, what was I saying?

Feeling: affectionate
Whoa, that was weird, so my family and I (minus Stephanie because she's in South Africa) went out to dinner and a movie... but we ended up taking too long at dinner so we just went home, but I got to drive alot, my first time on the 101 actually... but I'm still pretty ecstatic from last night... i think ska shows have that kinda affect, it's like you go and have fun, but you think about how rad it was for a couple days after. I still miss Hadas, she's like the main person I talk to so it's kinda like, I sign on the internet and just fill up time with like all kinds of small talk with people I don't usually talk to, I'm sure she's have a rad time at camp tho. (I think the Twix i sent her melted in the care package :-/) My teeth still hurt way bad from yesterday, I went to the orthodontist and got rubberbands, new brackets and my braces tightened... so i'm a little sore, but nothing a little Motrin can't solve. I'm just going over all the songs for tomorrow on my bass right now tho (I play bass @ my church). OH YEAH! Almost forgot. Alright, so the "band" (if it is even valid to call it that) was asked by the main minister dood (Dr. Larry) to play a collection of songs for the main (old people) service in a couple of weeks... but now our "leader" (please excuse my use of parenthesis)... this girl named Jenny who sings made all kinds of song lists of all this stuff that is incredibly not-us, to say the least... it's all like "Aaaaamen" and all that jazz, which kinda sucks, it's all like super-slow/no fun/ boring/ let's all go around and pretend to have fun singing about God, type music... but i digress nonetheless (basically that means i'm gonna go set off some fireworks). Goodnight everyone, have a super evening.
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lol " let's all go around and pretend to have fun singing about God, type music..." that's great. gave me a good a good laugh, this entry did. have fun with the fireworks! au revoir