
Feeling: blank
It's 6:04 on Wednesday morning, approximately two hours until the most savage, important math final I will ever partake in. But the good news is, at the end of today, I'm one day closer to the Aquabats show this Friday. I need to make my new costume, but that's what thursday is for right? Today I've got a trig final and an english final... both of which are fairly important, but the trig final is the district test so apparently it's insanely hard (even though it is multiple choice (don't you hate that though, when you feel relieved because your teacher tells you it's multiple choice, but it ends up like 100 times harder than an actual written test)). `So anyways, I've gotta go clean my room before the maids show up (yeah, you can ask my mom for the logic in that one)... but I'll talk to all of you kids later, have an excellent winter break.
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I love your mom