
Feeling: amorous
Summer time has arrived... and I couldn't be more ready to enjoy life like an A.D.D patient with a serious caffeine problem. Oh, and I had a magnificent time in San Diego... like some of you know, I'm a sucker for California. Anywho, we had a sweet band practice today, it really gets me excited when I can see how we're actually getting good. Later today I invited Kevin and Taylor over and we had a jolly old time... long story short, all three of us have buzzed heads now. I'm loving life right now guys, except for the whole car dilemma, it's kind of an ackward time I guess. My parents let me borrow it too, which almost makes it worse. That's all I have to say for now, because I've got a Gamecube calling my name, and some soda that needs to get drank, so have a marvelous summer (but not too much fun *cheesy laugh*(dumb prom joke)). Later kids.
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Are you really a dork? Cool! So am I! Whoot!
dude i love modest mouse...there kickass
Your diary is really nice. yay for modest mouse!