
Listening to: Story fo the Year
Feeling: hyper

You Are A Redhead!

Fun, innocent and flirty, guys are drawn to your firey ways.
Your fun personality drives the men wild, and they just can't enough of you!
With that girl-next-door charm and those bright eyes, you can get what you want in a snap...
Keep them beggin' honey!!

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Hahaha, the funniest thing about this is that I AM a redhead, and about 70% of my friends are guys.... :P Guess they're right about me! *** Hey peoples! Jordan just got a diary! He's Seishi.... Hasn't written anything yet though. *** I just broke up with Jordan. We're still friends, though. I love to talk to him so much, I can't imagine a single day knowing I lost him. I just need to be on my own for a while. I love him, but it just seemed like we were *friends.* I mean, I hang out with Tweek, Sidney and Dominic more than I hang out with Jordan. People actually think that Tweek and I are dating, even though that's the complete OPPOSITE from the truth. It's just rediculous. We haven't even seen each other in about five months. I have a family dinner tonight. I get to see my uncle, Fred, again, and my cousin Ray. I've missed them so much!!! Ray's my favorite cousin in the whole world, he's so much fun and so smart! He's an actor, too ;) He moved to California (as I'm sure I mentioned) and he's trying to get an agent down there. I love 'im. :D I'll write again after dinner. MAYBE something special will happen ;) TTFN P.S. God dammit I'm through with both Zack and Tweek if they continue this, it's immature, childish and annoying. It's complete bullshit. Tweek, quit calling Zack a cracker jacker, pretending like you're other people to make Zack mad, and DON'T bring me into your guys's little catfight! Zack, quit being a bitch and spreading rumors about Tweek spreading rumors about you, because he's NOT! I know you two better than anyone else on here so I know what's bullshit and I know what's not, so both of you shut up and get over it or I'm through with you both! Zack, you're off my friends list until you get over this dumbass little catfight and Tweek, you were off before you even made it on. GROW UP! *** Ray is so cool! I love having him around because then the little parasites (now the BALD parasites) Will and Nate pick on HIM instead of me. It's fun. And he REALLY knows how to irritate them too :P Older cousins rock. Ray deffinitely has his mom's sense of humor. Everything out of his mouth is brainy AND funny. That's a hard quality to find it a guy ;) He's going back to L.A. tonight. It's weird. They came up for a while last summer, then went back down, then came up for four days here, now they're going back down, and they'll be coming back up REAL soon. Fred's building a four-plex in Wasilla so I get to spend a lot more time with Ray :D Maybe his brains will rub off on me. We all know I need it :P Dammit. Ray's taller me than me again. It's not fair! (Even though I am two years younger than him....) For a long time I was quite a bit taller than him. I'm the second tallest in my immediate family already! But Ray's parents.... All his family members are huge. Brenda was the star player of her basketball team in high school, I think she's around six feet. But when Ray moved, then he started growing. So now that I see him (which I haven't for a long time, if you haven't guessed) he's like a giant! When he hugged me when he was leaving, he started cheering because he was finally taller. Not by much though. Only a foot or so :P TTFN
Read 3 comments
Yea, i dont really know, i just turned in to one of them "piss off im just so fukin mad!" kinda ppl.
Im ok now though, thanks for your concern!
haha, yea as long as they have cars it's cool :P

Aww, i'm sorry about you and Jordan. at least you guys are still friends though :)

as for your friends Tweek and Zack, you're right, they really do need to grow up. hopefully they snap back into reality and stop that stuff *hugs*
yea, it should be an optional...

Nah, it doesn't take me THAT long, I just like getting ready early so I can stay on the computer :D

*sigh* guys,can't live with 'em..can't live without a select few, lol. Why'd they start that crap in the first place?