[224]Scared Straight

Feeling: freaked
I am such an idiot. I'm sitting in my room, alone, the only one in the house, the wind blowing HARD, it's dark outside, and I'm watching The Sixth Sense. I'm asking to die of a heart attack right now. Anyway. Today was alright. Dad forgot to give me lunch money AGAIN, so I bummed some off a Tweek. Gotta remember to pay him back. We had counseling groups second period, which made me happy because I didn't have to go to Area Studies. In bio we had a mosh pit :P It was quite amusing. After Bio I went to talk to Philip about the lab report, and he said that because I wasn't there when he gave us the handout, I could redo it for full credit. *Yay!* Since I wasn't riding with Brooks today (thank god), I stayed late in Contemporary art and worked on my project. I was there until about three before I walked over to dad's office :P It was nice to just hang out alone and work. I should do that more often. Okay, nothing else happened. I'm gonna go work out, haven;t done that in a few days :P TTFN! *** Okay, been a while since I've done this, so.... I want anyone who reads this to ask me three questions they want me to answer, anything at all, on any subject, and I'll answer them in my next post honestly. Go on, do it.
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Haha. My poor little Sie. Don't get too scared now.. =P

Hmm..three questions, eh?

1) Ok, you know me pretty well. You know all the things I've done. Honestly, do you think I'm a whore and/or slutty?

2) If you had one wish, and you couldn't use it on anyone else just yourself, what would you wish for?

3) What is the one thing you want to do before you die?

♥ Love you lots

btw, we need to hang out!!!!
who u hanging out with at school?
which 7th grader is most annoying?
is gawwet still racist?
Carol (love)