Ever since I started sensing things, I've been seeing things, too. Creepy things. I'm not quite sure what they are.... Just shadows. I see shadows out of the corner of my eye, and when I turn my head to look, it's gone.
I see it when I close my eyes, too. For example, at the overnighter, I was sitting in the lounge and I closed my eyes, just staring into the dark. Then suddenly, a white hand came into view for no reason at all.
I have no idea what's going on, and I'm really starting to get scared. This is worse than hiding under your covers after watching a freaky horror movie, because no whether I have my eyes open or close, I see strange things that I can't explain, and when I sleep I have nightmares and I can't even remember what they were about in the morning--I just remember a few haunting images when I wake up.
I don't know what to do here. Jordan, you said you think everyone can sense things at some level, so... do you think this has anything to do with that? Has this ever happened to you?