[191]Damn laptop....

Listening to: TV - Black Hawn Down
Feeling: torn
Okay, I was writing an entry about my camping trip this weekend, and I was just about to save it when my computer, for some reason, backtracked itself to the last page. So now I am rather pissed at it. Anyway. You know what's sad? I have nothing to talk to either my boyfriend or my dad about. We're so quiet. We rarely talk. And I have no idea why. What's with me? I keep telling myself that things will go back to normal with Kyle, and after the awkwardness fades we'll be able to talk just like we did when we were just friends, but it's been tweo weeks and we still have nothing to say to each other. I keep thinking about Jacob. I don't know why. Wow, it's been a long time since I've seen him. Well, I saw him at McDonalds about a month ago, but we were each with friends so we didn't talk, and he acted like he didn't even know me. I don't know what's with him. He dumps me in the fifth grade, which was fine with me, and he says we can still be friends until Shane starts hanging out with him, and then he starts acting like we never dated, like I don't exsist. Then, after elementary school we start hanging out again, and for no reason he stops talking to me AGAIN and we lose touch again. What the hell is up with him? If I ever see him again, I swear I'm just gonna punch him and walk away. Anyway. I think I'm done.
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my friend nick laptop does that allthe time
im not very good with relationships so i dont thing my advice would help
best of luck to you
brice C