well yesturday i was kinda pissed of god knows why..i calle dmy dad and asked him to come get me casue i no longer wante to be there casue soo many peoepl were goign over there..i broke down and started to cry and had to go outside casue i didnt wnat anyone to see me like that...i got home an hour later tammy called me and asked me to go hang out with her...i went up to hillaery shsoue and adam,dewey,tammy,hillary,alexa,joe morril and teddy larkin was there..we got realy drunk and just chilled...then brian came and picked me up and me tammy and hillary up to fort williams and then went to wendys...then me and tammmy went back to her house and passed out..and now im just siting at my hosue waiting for mydad to bring me to mercis and then dans showing up at whaat ever time he gets back from his dads..so i iwll tell you about it later
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