They'll never understand

Feeling: unhappy
Well, mocks are over. Yay. I guess. I did kinda enjoy the freedom and the lie-ins. somehow made the hideous exams and lack of revision worth it to some extent. So many people have access to this site nowadays. Makes me think back to the old days when i could write anything, and not be worried about who was reading it. The thing is, they're not even people i wouldnt want reading it. Its just a bit weird. Its funny how you find yourself caring about those people in your life who you thought would never be very significant. And eventually, you find yourself wanting to see them more and more. They're not just in the background anymore, they are the front of your mind, all the bloody time. And you dont necessarily 'like them like that', but you do love them, more than you would ever have thought you would. And it starts to hurt when you see them in the arms of someone they dont love even half as much as you love them... Maybe thats the point where you're supposed to back out. Stop it before it gets out of hand. Or something. But it's not that easy. Cos just talking to them makes you happier than youve been in a long time. And they have that odd ability to make you feel special, in a way that others have to try bloody hard to acheive. And its pretty blindingly obvious that i'm talking about one particular person. And its pretty blindingly obvious that he's gonna end up reading this, and i'm going to look like a complete twazzock. But i think, on some level, he already knows...
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i hope i am thinkin of the right guy, but even if i'm not, i'm sure you will not end up looking like a twazzock (funky though that word is.)

I am going to quote a counting crows song now, (ok, a cover song) Don't it always seem to go, that you don't know what you got, till its gone...
I feel those are the right words.
Love you.
Waggz. xXx