I'll become even more undignified than this

Feeling: unworthy
Well im now back from soul survivour, cant actually remember whether i mentioned that in my last entry. but hey, ive just got back anyway. it was very cool. the main sessions were crap overall, shyty worship and pretty crappy talks, but a couple of bits were ok. the last nite was frigging amazing, pretty much every person in our youth group, 29 of us, felt the holy spirit in some way, it was pretty awesome. even the complete anti-christians recognised that something was going on and got much closer to god just in that nite. there were also some pretty scary parts, people screaming and falling over, luckily not from our youth group. but it did make me doubt quite a bit. i really dont understand how that kind of experience is a good thing. but by the end of the night, everyone was back on their feet, and they all seemed so much happier, it seemed worth it. i cried quite a bit. as usual. there were also other great reasons for being there. on the first nite there was an opportunity to go up the front, basicaly if you felt you had fecked up and wanted/needed to start again with god. eventually, after more tears, steve came and prayed with me. he said that he felt it had broken a few walls between us, and i completely agreed, we have such a better relationship now. he feels he can talk 2 me more easily and the other way round. he was being so geat, him n lauren are so damn sweet, he kept texting and calling her, it was bloody adorable. he also hated some of the worship n stuff, n he was just being so funny, ripping the piss out of it, it was great. hes so funny. the place was also swimming with fit guys, oh my days they were frigging everywhere, all with long hair, and all skaters. me n ami spent most of our time drewling down at the skate park. but there was one guy who i grew to really really like. called sam. i met him at solid a few months ago, and he was there last week, hes from another youth group in brentwood who we went with. hes so lovely. he looks quite young, but hes actually 2 days older than me. he does have longish hair (get in there) and hes growing it, its really nice. but hes just so sweet and funny. and he has one of the nicest smiles ive ever seen. so basicaly i realised i fancied him, that same day he told us about how he doesnt want a gf for various reasons, he recently turned down someone he really likes, cos he just prefers being single. i totaly respect him for it, but i was fecking gutted for quite a while. so when i got home i decided to be blunt and blatant and just tell him. if nothings gonna happen thers no point putting it off. he said no, just as i expected, but he also said that if he didnt not want a girlfriend, he would have said yes. i went 2 sleep happy, cos it at least implies he likes me. but now im just as gutted cos i no that summat cudv happened. if he does like me then its a bit of a gemma ben situation, with 2 people fancying each other but not going out. but clearly for very different reasons, cos ben is issue boy, and sam is just sweet. well i should be seeing more of sam, hes gna go to our YP bible study/social, so when ive officaialy moved up, i can start seeing him once a week. or twice when thers DYD. so at least we can be pretty good mates. then maybe we'l spent so much time together he'l eventually be ready for a girlfriend and i'l still be there 'and smelling of roses' as joe petch said. [/non realistic daydream] ah well, at least i'm halfway there, kind of. and if sam can be so happy without a gf, i can be happy without a bf. damnit i cant remember sams face. oh thats really annoying. that makes me sad :( enjoy ur holidayses xHUGx
Read 14 comments
Two people fancying each other and not going out seems to be the new craze... :) Good luck with you and Sam though. And well done for plucking up the courage to tell him. I wouldn't have *cowers at thought*
Don't be silly sexy, 'course he fancies you, otherwise why would he say that he would've said yes? Twould be silly to say if he did nicht fancy you, twould be much simpler to just say no and let you come to your own conclusion. Therefore, the Razometer says, he fancies you.
Frankly, everyone loves the Razometer.

Q: Do you know why?

A: Because everyone loves the Raz.
I'm glad the Razometer has such a positive effect on a certain Susie I know.

I think the Razometer would also say that every single guy would be crazy not to fall in love with Raz & Susie at first sight. Especially when they are having hot, sweaty, lesbian sex with each other.
AH I LOVE GREEN DAY (the Billie Joe icon on the top of your page)
nice pix on the top..i like that green day picture html or w/e u guys call it..i saw them two days ago..they rocked..nice diary!
Someone should give all the stupid guys a kick up the arse (or maybe a squeeze of the arse if they're fit) to alert them to the fact there are two rather fantastic girls that everyone seems to have accidently overlooked (although why, I have not a clue).
Yeah, we shall wait until Sam is going out with you and Phil has declared his undying love for me *cough*

Then we will make everyone love us.
We will use each other for great sex...

The boys just couldn't possibly be as good.
I think we shall have to get up to some of that in the school loos sneakily *daydreams also*
I'm sure we will be able to find many dark corners this year, after all, we've had 3 years of practice.
Thanks for the comment, I would love for you to be my friend
Hello, Raz here, letting you know that I have a new thoughtful and serious diary for no reason (or maybe because I don't like change but I wanted a different layout).
aaah. this reading this reminds me of all the good times at soul survivor, cant wait for next year. one thing tho.. we did indeed spend the entire time in the skate park looking at boys who we were too shy to talk to, when all along, the people we fancied were camping in tents next to us. that sucked. luv ya babes. Ami x x x