Even the best fall down sometimes

ah, well. I painted my toe nails and finger nails today. getting ready for tomorrow 26 hours ahead. I gave my feet a bath. They enjoyed it. and thanked me by looking pretty and matching my formal. eee. Today was just a normal other day. Although I did see the hot Mr. Cook in the hall way. he passed right after me and Kace ended our 'skating' routine. muwhaha. In Percussion we all sat around and laughed at eachother. and I stole Landen's gum. well, He gave me half of his already-chewed. *shrugs* but I wanted it. Jerry and I talked about why me and Landen broke up. Jer is a nice kid. with a good heart...deepdeeeep deep inside him. hehe! Only a few would get that. alright. lame. mmm I sat with Aubree and Lacy at lunch. Which is something new. whoaaa! they saw me sitting alone waiting for Kacean. So they joined me. Go super friend power. Or the ability to make people feel really bad for me! yes! In Photo half of my pictures worked. sorta. Landen enlarged the one I took of the chucks. It's freakishly awesome. I'm so proud of my talent. And the one of my scary slippers worked out. but not so much of my skates. mmmeow. Then Landen came and played with me. we watched The little Mirmaid. And He sorta gave me advice on how I should wear my hair tomorrow eve. It was fun! WE picked up little brother and pushed eachother in the snow. Em called and wants to have a slumber party with me and Kace. I'm still decided. Mum might need me, she's sick again. And I wanted to take a bubble bath. and I have to wake up at nine tomorrow and I hate being woken up my the cousins. *quivers* Besides, Dave is over there now. It's like those stupid people who ask you if you're mad at them. When really you have no idea who they are...at all... Do I need to pee?
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you need to pee because peeing is cool :D or something. hehe!

ummmm. um i forgot why i was commenting.

Oh yes, to remind you that The Little Mermaid is the best Disney movie ever. And I do mean ever. :D Wait. Nevermind. I forgot The Nightmare Before Christmas was also Disney...but they are both excellent.

well i love you and miss you and think you are very awesome~! yay for pretty feet!