never had

Listening to: africa
Feeling: reminiscent
wooo, I feel good after my little freak out session. Mum says I really need to calm down. I feel all little and naive again. Sigh. Malc should be calling me soon and I'll call Mark around 7. Whoo.He called and wanted to watch a movie but I was at work. Too bad. It's too weird to me. I've known him since I was little. He was my sunday School teacher and now we're friends. I like it, though. I worked again last night for 6 hours. Really, It feel like it's always a lot more than that. I had my eye appointment today. I was feeling inquisitive so I asked the doctor man questions. He finaly should be a model of an eye. It was facsinating. I always thought if I went into medicine other than nursing it would be...optomistrist? *sigh* you know. I think it's neat! I'd get this little high everytime he showed me the model. He explained to me about the signs of Morphins. That's what my dad died of. I guess there's something with the retna that's involved. Our bodies are so cool! Anyhoo, he also told me why our pupils dilate when we get excited or twitterpated. He said it's a lot like the fight of flight reaction. Chemicals. Neat. He gave me a trial pair of new contacts and set me home with willy wonka glasses. They gave Aubree a laugh. The fair is tomorrow. I bought a white polo for the event. Yay. you only heard part of the conversation...
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