little eyes

mmm...When was the last time I wrote? ah, who cares. I love Sundays. I guess I'm just lucky I like my ward or something, because half of everyone else I know hate this day. mmm. I went to my aunt and uncle's kind-of homecoming talk thing this morning. Then we went back to their house for lunch! I haven't seen Steph or Jeremy or raquel ...or is it rachel? well, I haven't seen them for about 5 years. we all sat around on the porch and talked. I realized again why I loved playing with them when we were little. I've missed STeph the most, we're a lot alike...and I like it! She and my cousin Matt just got back home from EFY so they both were really floaty and happy. I'm so pumped! Late steph took colby home and me to young womens. I love that girl! hopefully she'll give mum her email address so we can finaly stay in contact. yes! I love my cousins. and Jeremy has grown up so much, he's still the tech-geek that he's always been but he's a lot taller...haha...ha. He's going up to USU in the fall so maybe He and I can see eachother more. Becky is expecting again which is kinda funny. and her baby now is 4! ah, crazy! well then... The weekend was...interesting to say the least. wow. Friday mum let me hang out with landen and kaylee and malcolm. Landen and kaylee came and got me and we went to lee's. Me and landen bugged kaylee half to death...we're touchy people. I just can't stop hitting him. wow. On the way back to kaylee's house I almost died of suffication. The lack of oxygen in Landen's car. gah! I was dying and he was laughing and had the lock on my window...The lack of oxygen got to me and I started ...well I went on about a bird...with something. It was flying and I found it rather funny. "tweet tweet!" When we got back to kaylee's house Malcolm was there. wow. I tell oh, we sent the boys to get pizza while we went to get beans and the movies. And kaylee drove on the wrong side of the road...breathing? What? oh man! During the movie I could feel malcolm's arm getting closer to me. He kept scooting close and closer, I was laughing...inside. finaly I was fed up with waiting so I just snuggled into him. mmmm... well, all he did was put his arm around me, but it was perfect, alright. Saturday was a bit different. I went on my crazy date with Shane. I fell asleep to his talking...I hate that problem I have. I cannot pay attention if someone just keeps talking. I learned to tune him out at the very beginning. The air show was pretty cool, if you're into that kind of stuff. In all, it was pretty fun. Then I went to bree's house and tried to get her to tell me her exciting news. It didn't end up very exciting...gah! It was a mess...and a mass of tears. I spent the rest of the night with her and Shaleas. Staci and john and mike and jb and chris and Adrea came over later too and brought her roses. I twas way sweet. anyhoo...gah...I was pretty mad and so were the rest. pooor girl... I don't like that boy of hers. he may be cute, but that's about it. A little too dramatic. anyhoo... Drumline is going pretty well. I am acutally enjoying myself again. It took long enough. I guess I finaly just starting trusting clark and Sarah. we're in their hands, they better know what they're talking about. And I feel alright again. I had a dream about B.J. last night. It was crazy. He was back conducting and I was crying. People wrote questions on little slips of paper. While he was conducting he would read them and tell them his advice. I liked seeing him smile. I hate this. hmmm... I'm in your's my life... Make of it what you know is best... 3 wise men found their way, and so can I. Young womens lesson was on repentence, I found it rather nice.
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