
Feeling: sluggish
i really should be sleeping, but sleeping wont make my mind stom wandering. hmmm. It was nice at work, tiff told me I was doing well. Jordan gave me a hug and he also said he'd work for me. yay.Jordan is cute. Nothing too exciting happened at work. Katie started her first job at six star today. I thought of her, aww, she must of went crazy trying to train. I almost cried...oh wait...i cried yestorday at work. anyhoo. school was good. this morning was better. I woke up at 7. way late. I pulled my hair up and grabbed some capris off the floor, my only clean cute shirt was my soccer shirt, so I put that on. while running around the house mom made me stop to pray with her. it was so nice. I love my mommy. then I slowed down the pace and just relaxed. I uh...went to Bio, and really tried hard to listen and not space off. But, matt said he's help me. hmm, maybe I should space off more often. heeeheee. um...Went to Geometry. did my thing and used the hall pass. I walked around the halls, finaly somewhere quiet. I hate my geometry class, they're all so loud. and It's difficult for a person who doesnt understand numbers (oh wait, that's me!) to I left. I passed Matt's class. always nice to see the boy no longer yours to freely fawn over. used the little girl's room. and went back to geometry. listened to Lauren repeat "he is so hot" over and over again. hehe then went to english. found a note that fell out of my backback from andy that said "hello" hmm...he put another not in my backpack that said somethign like "hello, andy murri put this into your backpack. you need to punch travis in the face and give andy a hug" I finaly jabbed travis' noggin today. um, we moved the tables around so I can no longer turn around and make flirty eyes with my murri. mmm... I sit between landen and jojo squeezed up against the wall. ahhh. landen is always staring at me...drives me crazy. we constantly talk about "what went wrong" in a matter of ways... just stuff like "you always forget..." or whatnot. It's sorta depressing. but hey...*shrug* It's done. went to fourth hour where my group whined. seriously what is so hard about playing. people were whining because kaylee was helping them with their parts. It made me mad that everyone were being such babies. Do normal teenagers act like this? or do I just need new friends? I just tolerate it? eh... so I got my cool part down that I play on the jones soda bottles. Bedont helped me write it! yay! and we get phantom of the opera music next week. heh. ummmm fifth hour seminary! yay! I love it i love it i love it! I sat all alone on the row. I think Zach hates me every since yestorday. oh yestorday! Zach made a paper airplane that said "who does she like" and threw it at landen. but landen just threw it back...sorta. he nailed me in the face. so I tore it up and threw it away. mad... so zach wrote another note in an airplane. and somehow it got to landen/kevin behind me. He read it and said...."oh, I know how to handle this" and asked me "Kirsten, do you like me?" so of course I get the flirty grin on my face and say "yesssss!" and he goes "called that!" hmmm okay, I get my thrill from the lame things in life. take for example I jabbed Mr. Peacock in the back with my brass mallets. yes, fun cheap pleasure. muhahahahaha. after school ended I was stranded at skyview. again. Katie had work at three so she couldnt take me home. and it was raining... I was desperat so I went on a search for Matt. but he was gone too. I called mom,...or attempted to, but the student center was full of so I started walking. then! Anthony Elder drove up and wheeled down his window all smooth like and said "wanna ride!" ahhahhaha! so I hoped in his mustang. was a mustang.. and we zoomed off. he's so cute, and he knew where i lived. that's always a compliment, someone knowing where i live. like the time Rocky told me he saw my dad working outside my house one time. which is such a lame excuse to talk to me...but i thought it was also cool that they know stan. anyways! we passed sara and derek walking. and I felt all powerfull because cute boy was giving me a ride home. Then I waited for derek to come get me, but he never did. heh. so stan drove me to work. but we got stuck in traffic. so I was 45 minutes late. but I did take a nice nap in the truck. mmm, sleeppppp. did my work thing...yes. im tired. and mommy bought me a taco. i smell like chocolate and sweat, but I'll shower in the morning. i want to curl up and sleep, and not wake up till i want to. sleep.
Read 2 comments
mmmm chocolate! scrummy1 Kirsten, you're so beautiful. i miss you heaps.
i also love you. :)
Kirsten, you always make me laugh.
I love you! I'll see you soon! And your picture of a hot lifeguard, rawr.!!
