
woo! I got my retainer back today! And I found I'm not the only one obsessed with flossing...malcolm is too. hmmm. today I told him winning wasn't everything. yes, I finaly found something that irks him! school was okay. I didn't feel like living. so...classes dragged on way too long. ceramics I was quiet. I...watched jordan luthi and Cam flirt...what is this fettish I have with that kid. well...haha...I have my secret reasons. I remember when bree had a crush on him. good times. and band was okay. Malcolm and taylor wrestled. I didn't watch. I don't like to. haha...but I heared them stop and taylor say "dude...I think your pants just ripped." losers. and taylor tried wrestling with me. He just hoisted me up in the air and spun me around. I don't like exposing my bum that much.,.. yeah... Emily gave me advice for getting a job. I'm going to miss the long talks we have. hmm... wow. mmm...taylor comforted me when I couldn't play my part. Stupid malcolm and derek...and taylor...and stuff. He hugged my shoulders and gave me a noogie. my friends... and lunch was okay. It was less to think about with lauren gone. I'm horrible I know. I just couldn't handle her talking to me about her dog's leg pussing or how much she hates he parents. ... seminary was fab! like always. i sat by nicole. she told us about having a boyfriend. I liked her personal experience. someday I will share mine. hahha... and bug gave me lotion that was called "love flurries!" cute! and...english was fine. I zoned out the whole time. and wrote a note to bree. and...we watched hercules and I liked it. Malcolm met me outside of class...asked me the usual questions. Its nice... and then...he told me I looked pretty today... and. thats. it. I came home...and stuff... woo, Erics's game is in a while! yayyayyay! then...that drumline thing. ha. I should practice too... It gets better. I'm getting better all the time. The shock sunk in today. it all flooded in... you have no idea how much I love you. oh...Andy murri ran and hugged me today. woot! he pointed to me and said to staci "this is a pretty girl" then...shoved me and walked away. for all the stupid poop. there's a lot of huggin and lovin...all from the wrong people... but I like it just the same. mum said he told her he thought I was adorable. hmm... we'll see what happens. with everything. "I'm sensitive and I'd like to stay that way." everything outside is beautiful. and I've got to take it while it comes. for all the bad...bad badbad stuff I'll make the best. It's beautiful outside, it really is. I'd like to fly today away from all of this. but...since I can't do that...I'll just deal. I called rainbow ice, they weren't any openings. Somebody's attick is hiring...but 3-6 tuesday thursday and saturday. dang it!
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