Baby, you're not lost.

Listening to: lost
Feeling: insignificant
So, I'm in a pretty bad mood. haha, I really never sleep very much and when I do it's not good REM sleep or whatever. Last night I stayed out way too late. Nate's ward had a bomb fire at 2 dam. They were nice. Nate went out of control with the marshmellows. nut case. It was nice to be warm!!! And I absolutly love being by the fire, I was just tired last night so I wasn't that fun of a person. yup. So, I remember Kory Larsons Lesson in Sunday school when he suggest to carry a pebble in your pocket to remind you of all your blessings. Well, frankly i'm too cold to go outside and get a pebble - so Im just going to list somethings instead. I know for sure I'll be in a better mood and a more benificial contributer to society. (as in I wont scowl and roll my eyes at you as I think to myself how big of an idiot you are.) Wow! -I have a warm bed -the government is PAYING ME to go to college. woo! -I have good friends. -my cell phone -sleep -sleep -sleep -reading the book of mormon has been a great strength for me. There's somehting about that book. I really love it and I know it's the word of God. I have really dived into latley. -I have a job working with people. I love working with people. -I have my own bedroom. -I'm moving out in 15 days. -my hair straightener -sunshine -Andrew Kauffman, the guest who I really like. Oh, and Larry Christensen. -hilarious spanish speaking housemaids who really don't speak a lick of english but try to talk to me anyways. they call me Christian. -Nate's ability to be absolutly crazy but embaressed when I break out my kick boxing moves in public. -textmessaging -the song gotta go my own way. oh, how I relate. -music in general -chapstick!!! -computeres...did I say that already? hmm. -cold medicine and only 6 more hours of thsi awfulboring place. -being active. so close, soo soo close.' -michelle kwan -showers -mum let me drive HER car to work today while she took the truck. -starting school in about two weeks. -my boss and his hilarious indian accent. -cold pills finaly kicking in. -Mark's influence for good in my life. -I can be me and that's all that matters. that's what makes me me. yup. I'm not you. I'm me. yup yup yup. -prayer. -simplicity. -serendipities -hand holding/ cuddling. IT's vital. -positive touch all around. -I just had a twenty minute conversation about the benifits of becoming a youth councelor. I really really want to do it. my favorite guest (andrew Kauffman) talked to me about his career in youth counceling and his concerns about teen sexuality. Good conversation. I want to be someone who makes a difference. -reading pro abstinince articles. -it's almost 10 and so I only 5 hours to go. heh, its not that bad. I'd still be sleeping if I were at home and now I'm learning. yay. -entertainment. okay, it worked! I'm feeling mucho better. apart from making this list I did start reading and now I'm not completly wasting my life away. Thank goodness this job has only been temporary. Call me babe.
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