What good?

Listening to: We belong together.
grrrrrr I'm hurt and at the verge of tears. man oh man. Today was good though. I helped megan find a dress! mmm, she looked so pretty, I just loved it! and her. Last night was fun too for the most part. Me and Kaylee went to the game. She pouting most of the time in the car so I had to entertain myself. I sang "Praise to the man" because I was missing the concert. Stupid choices. It made me sad. The game was good. or what I saw of it. I'm not all the interested in Basketball. I mean. IT's great to watch, I just had my head on other things. Aus was there, being the stud that he is. He;s such a good kid. After the game we went over to talk to him. He gave me a big hug and met kaylee. hmmm! he told us to play with him, but things really didn't work out. >.< man oh man... we went to firehouse pizza, and her parents were kind enought to buy me food. hmm. and Aus called and said he was at Macy's. So we ran like chickens across the street, but right when we got there kayl's cousin's called and said her lurve had just got to Firehouse. so...after a desperete but unsuccessful search for Austin we left again. It was sad.. we came back and kayls stared at Ryan for a while and such. and then we went home. yay. the end. I mean...I'll see him on Wednesday. But it's not everyday that you meet a kid like him...and the best part is...He actually wants me around him. :) what a studly joseph-like man. someday we will Wed. I had a dream Malcolm called me...but the phone slipped out of my hands or soemthing! and I was crawling on the floor trying to find it.,, my house was being attacked by aliens or something! But, Iddint care... and I don't care if I talk about boys too much. ACtually I don't really care what anyone thinks right now. people are stupid. I am mad and feeling sad. :P I feel bad, beause really today had been great. I'm glad I got out of the house to play with meg! hmm... yes. went to lessons. It was sad to give my money away. I don't even have the time for marching band. because I will be earning money to pay for marching band. I hate those kids who complain about their parents being jerks...when their parents pay for everything. really gets on my nerves. mom...tries... she feeds me. but, out of all the family, I have the most money in the bank. 150Ish. man oh man. I wanted to be band historian. but kaylee wanted to be too. And bedont likes her morre. but he said we both can. I need a digital camera. taht wont happen either. grrrrrrrr Clark said I need to put something I hate on my drum pad. I'll play better. I drew a picture of a stick man saying "I have more money than you do!" speaking of that! I got to take a bass hometoday! yay! mmm...no matter what I do... It's not going to matter. maybe I'll go make a hat for a poor, starving, freezing child. Maybe it will help him. mmmm... Maybe if I'm really really good. God will bless me with what I NEED to make it through. If only the paid me for my grades. but they don't have the money too. and that's being selfish. but...if they did... maybe I'd have the modivation to do something.
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Kiki, I'm sorry I'm such a selfish jerk-faced friend. I look up to you so much, and I'm just a bum head. You don't realize how much you have this life figured out. You should be band historian. You deserve it more than me.

You deserve a lot of things more than I do.

I'm sorry.
Kirsten, I love you so much! I'm so proud of you. Thank you for coming with me. I hope I didn't make you angry at me. I love you so much.