lets go swimming!

Listening to: this magic moment
Feeling: angelic
wow, reading others journals makes me feel dumb...yay! well, not that dumb, just behind. but, like that matters anyways. Jd came yestorday, he's still sleeping. dork. we had fun, I guess. I didnt really talk much to him. or to anyone after getting home from the party. as two families we watched 'Independence Day' it's pretty funny. I like the part where Will Smith beats the crap out of the alien. wooooo! and kicks him. man, and the part where the alien talks to the President of the United States. wooo! It was a great monologue I could use...If I ever got into drama... It was odd being with JD's family. Itwas like the family I always wanted...people my age. so I wasnt the only teenager in the house. there were three! But, then I though of JD being my brother...and I laughed outloud. after the movie we set off fireworks. We asked Thomas and his kids if they wanted to watch, but we didnt realize it was 11 and some people were sleeping....woops. so, thomas never came back. Yestorday the parade was fantastic. I felt all incharge the whole time. I walked by the people playing the banner. and tried to keep them inline. and told tim to think small...ha. before the parade started the drumline was warming up. I was behind them playing with my cell phone because I had nothing else to do. Then this guy came up to me and asked me If I was incharge. ha, no! why would they put me of all people incharge of the drumline. gah. so I pointed to jake, which was a mistake, on the guys part because you never interupt a kid while he's drumming. The man told them they need to play quiet when the horses come, becuase they'll frighten the horses with all their drumming. ha..haHA...US, shut up? I think it modivated us to be more louder. or..them to be more loud. afterwards I told bedont what the guy said and he told me to come infront and just glare and them for a while. I played with my phone instead and took pictures. the whole bass line is my background now. yay. Then, we marched, and then we went to the party. I had fun. we watched some bandfreaks play vollyball while I talkedd to shalese and margo about things. and held kace on my lap...she's so boney. then after we ate and I took a nap, and tripped kaylee. I played vollyball with kace and the reste. I was swooning over hot cameron and his volly ball ways, and found out kaylee was too. then me and kace had fun doing cheers and kicking eachother, love that girl. and she went home after a while, because I found out she coudlnt get me home, I didnt want to go home with her... so I played volly ball more and sat out and talked to MAx and margo. and sat by this kid I've been thinking was cute for a while now....he's a freshman...ew. then...Peter got wet, and max and emily got wet... so everyone was wet. and then this little boy started spraying me...I didnt even know him! gah. and thats when I found out my pants were seethrough... so I jumped up and pulled my shirt way down, stretching it way to much! um..yeah. then peter gave me this big hug before i left. he actually does know my name. and I realized the boys in drumlin are like annoying older brothes then anything else. and yeah. then we played house on the way home. that was interesting... but i gotta go help mom.
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hey kirstan,this is joann. what's your phone number? ps sorry I have to leave rehersals early.I cant come next week though. xoxo jo
hey kirstan,this is joann. what's your phone number? ps sorry I have to leave rehersals early.I cant come next week though. xoxo jo