[5] Too much going on

eek alright. craig got in a fight and someone pulled out a knife. he misses anna. he's not sleeping. jessica is still keeping up her little "omg, im so depressed, im a cutter, im awesome, i feed off your emotions" rampage. Opened her stupid little book and it has pages and pages that say "cutter" or "the true confessions of a suicidal teen" on it. how fucking dumb. i am sick of being the pillar of support for her stupid little self-inflicted traumas. if she's so suicidal id like to wrap a gun in pretty red ribbons to give to her and tell her to finish the fucking deed. someone had blood on their sock from a blister today and she said it made her hungry. I want to strangle her with her own shoelaces, that fucking idiot.
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There are always those...I wonder whether I was one of those, once. I doubt it and fear it at the same time.
you know plenty of interesting people don't you?

sorry to hear about all of that though

and thanks for the comments

but, for some reason it pisses me off so much when people intentionally cut themself

you might as well give them a gun wrapped with a bow on it (thanks for that line)
I'm happy to have my great skill, even if it was unpleasant at the time. I'm now at school again, but my patns are, thankfully, dry. Yeys.
lol thanks for the comment on my shoes,and yes they are cool

stop cutting yourself, I know it may sound stupid and I don't understand why, but I know the outcome won't be pretty

that was (thewakingdead)
i'm just too lazy to log in
ah i see

-(thewakingdead) im too lazy to log in
just testing something out here....

thanks for helping, in a way
Grrrr I HATE it when ppl do that. I have the same things going on for me DO I TELL THE WORLD? No. I mean Jesus Christ Im ashamed lol so basically I wouldnt let anybody at my school find out. But then again it is still a cry out for help if she keeps making it all so obvious, annoying or not I guess. Or maybe just a phase? *shrug* - Lottie x
i kno exactly how u fuckin feel. this damn idiot of a girl duz the same exact thing. oh my god! i'm cutting myslef! o my god! i'm gonna kill myself! if she says that 1 more damn time i'm gonna by a fricken gun, walk rite up to her and blow her damn head off!