Remember that old prison song...

I just did the stupidest fucking thing of my life. I was really pissed off yesterday for some reason or another so I went up to my room and threw my bookbag against the wall, and then paced around for a bit, and when I spun a round I nearly had an anurism because I PUT A FUCKING HOLE IN MY WALL. and then by the time I called John I was nearly in hysterics. I was curled up in fetal position on my closet floor wimpering to myself. And then I told him that that there's a hole in my wall and restated the fact about 140 times over the course of half an hour. of all the times punched my wall, kicked my wall, slapped banged my head on stuck pins in and attached ataris posters to and otherwise tortured my wall, I toss a bag of learning supplies at it and it crumbles like the fucking apocalypse. if the parental control units find out, they will promptly strap me in a snug straitjacket and dispose of all forks and butter knives and then sell me on the black voodoo market for experimentation. I fucking swear to all things good and holy, if things don't get better for me soon I am going to do something stupid.
Read 11 comments
yea i know...i wanna feel the pain but i dont really wanna cut...its funny...
wow a hole on the wall thats big well i think i would of done the same if i was pissed
I dont like taking compliments that arent true lol.. i really like the backround of ur diary
Haha.. yes i agree.. vain mother fuckers..
hahahaha what????
I really like your background...It rocks hard...
hahahaha thats really random.....but alright. thanks for the story hahaha

you've got a cool icon thing for when you comment on peoples journals. . .just thought i'd say that. hope you feel better soon. laterer

i was looking at sum1s comments and saw ur comment pic and well i think im in love..
with ur comment pic i mean, lol not u dont freak out