[62] [weird noise here]

Feeling: ambitious
just spent 22 hours with anna, allie, and rebecca. We watched the shining. It was beautiful. Stayed up all night and had a meaningful discussion with Rebecca about life, religion, and who would be the first to leave our little circle of friends. I think i benefitted from this conversation in an unfortunate way, because i realized alot.. maybe things i don't want to. i realized no matter how much someone talks to you about themselves and no matter how much you watch them and understand them, you will never be able to know everything about them. There will alwyas be something they aren't showing you, whether intentionally or not. That lead to me realizing that I hardly know a lot of people i consider my friends. I don't understand how they think and why they act the way they do. And i think because we don't have bonds like that, they'll start breaking away. i also owe someone 50 bucks so i am in a state of sudden realization and confusion.
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wow catiko...i think your deep thinking has rubbed off on me. but if u think about it, we dont even know that much about our selves. meditation with the dalia lama i belive is in my near future so i can figure shit like this out.
Its true. You could know someone all your life, know their habits and patterns. But you'll still never know what exactly is going on in their minds..its quite sad. But hey, that doesn't necessariy mean that they're not your close friends. I hate feeling alone too..but it'll go away =D
i agree..but people will never know everything about you, either. it's hard sometimes.