[25] rhuwaaahhh

Feeling: wicked
whimsical? sounds like a type of triangle they play in a broadway musical. K. in the last 2 days i have gotten in trouble with 3 major school officials- 1. assistant principal of my grade 2. police officer 3. school principal... She fucking dragged me to her office btwn 7th and 8th and kept me in her office for over an hour. Now i have a detention with the fucking principal the day after spring break. Just duckie. now im forbidden to fucking leave the house all of break. all bc some friends decorated my locker with toilet paper and a couple cards that had half naked men on it.. fuck his crotch was obscured by candles anyway. so the comments were a tad lewd. anyway, now 4 of us have detention and anna has ISS. fuck. fuck. fuck.
Read 8 comments
i had ISS once..it was fun lol..anyway..*pulls up my blinds*..ahhhh!!! you're running across my yard!!! lol
idk what vans i want...i can never make up my mind..lol--
lol..i would enver pick up trash..i'd cry! lol

id much rather have ISS!!:-D
lol...thats crazy...i'd still cry..

im boreded!!!!!! i have to get up at 545am..to take the stupid ACT...

and yeah it runs in my family also..=/
ahh new big word for me: indescisive
lol, that sux about ur iss
--yes theyre scary, but fun.--

but scary.
well that is neat,its not that the new stuff isnt as good,its a bit different than FullCollapse i think so i just think they are different but equally as good cds
u think u could fit in a italian with that plan? ;] lol thanks for leaving a comment, write me anytime, take care.
yeah war isnt cool at all