My first entry

This is my first entry ever! I have a lot of friends that have these diaries so I figured I should try it out. So lets see, I am very frustrated today. I had a date with this guy on wednesday and then he canceled and said that he had a family thing. Well I haven't talked to him since! I am getting so frustrated with this "waiting game". Who created this waiting game? That makes just about every guy have to take forever to contact the girl again! It is totally beyond frustrating. Because all the girl does is sit here, thinking well he obviously doesnt like me that way, but she can't move on because she is not totally sure if he doesn't want to hang out anymore. All in all it is no fun for girls and any guys who read this, learn that no girls want to wait and just bite the bullet and ask them! Most will say yes regardless!! It is so frustrating! Thanksgiving was fun, long, tiring chaotic fun. I have a new best friend. He is named Buddy and he is a dog, he is so cute! I am babysitting him while his family is out of town. He is just so full of life and totally reminds me to just relax and play! I did not do much today, so i was very bored. I went to a crafts fair and got some really cute presents. I also made my friends present so I'm working ahead of schedule. I hope everyone had a good day though! Have fun relaxing the rest of the weekend! Casey
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Welcome to sitD. I hope you like it here.

Have a great day.
