life is unfair

Life is unfair. That just keeps being proven to me over and over and over again. My grandmother died this morning at 7:30. It really sucks, but its kinda like a blessing. She is no longer in pain or suffering. And my family can finally move on from this and grieve and nto have to be worrying if shes in pain anymore. So that is that. Everythign else in my life is hell. Nothing is going right, and i feel like I have everyone else there for me during this time other than the one person i really want to be there for me. he didnt call tonight which means that we wont end up doing osmething this weekend again. i htink i shoudl just give up. its not worth my time and engery and emotions. I just want to stop hurting so much. I dont know, all i know is everything sucks right now. I have amazing friends who mean the world to me and I have a wonderful family who cares deeply for me and i feel so bad for my family to have to deal with this. I wish someone in particular would get a clue, and I could stop hurting so much. And i am glad that my grandmother is now at a much better place than she was before. Death is great for the people who go, we should never be afraid of it becuase it only sucks for the people who are left behind. Thank you to all my friends who have been there for me today when i told you the news. It did really help but somethings are just better left unsaid adn thank you for not giving me pity. I hate pity. Have a great weekend to everyone, adn cherish every moment you have with everyone and make every word count for something while you have a chance to say them because you never know what tomorrow wil bring, and your life could be turned upside down.
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maybe you don't have that one particular person but at least ur surrounded by great friends right now, and that's all that should matter.-unrestrained
I truly admire your positive outlook on life. That a is great quality in human beings that many no longer posses. I know that you are kind and wonderful person, and I wish you the best of luck with your mate that you are chasing after, but my advice to you, is that as long as you keep a good attitude...
truly great things will become unto you. Take care


IM so sorry Casey.. I love you.. We will talk more later... GO ECON

Kaylee xoxo
I did read someone else's journal and I don't get it.. IM sorry
wow sorry about your grandma
im sorry about ur grandma! i hope ur feeling better hun!