End to a hellish day!

I am finally done iwth my like what has it been 3 or 5 week long research paper! YAY!! I sealed the paper, adn felt a wave of relief! I also was brought back memories of last semester when we did our major research paper and how happy we had been, ah good memories, but terrible experience. hehe So after working for 2 hours straight at my paper i raced around trying to get ready adn then dashed off to go pick up my friend to go to Cotillion. Where i was pretty bored. I was seriously thinking i could be doing so much more with my time right now! Only a few of the speakers today were interesting, but thats ok i got through it. Then my mom and I went out to Five and DIner, and we discussed my date situation. SInce I have to have a date by feb. 8th for cotillion and i am absolutely FREAKING out!! BEcause there is no one out there that wants to go wtih me. I asked 2 of my guy friends and they said NO, so im back to square one here and Im so screwed and freakign otu! So if anyone has any ideas for me PLEASE HOOK ME UP!! Just has to be a guy that is fairly attractive, fun and friendly and will dance! He just has to escort me, its not that big of job. Well maybe it is but it doesnt have to be! So if anyone has any ideas PLEASE tell me!!! I need help! Then I ran off to go to Salsa class, which is like my last class for that, which is really sad becuase i really like th class and the dance. It was just like the night for endings tonight, my paper, the last group meeting of my cotillion group, and then salsa. Well I better go study for my math test!! Bye! Casey
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Casey!!!haha I so didn't know you had one of these! yay, they're so fun to read! well, ill see you in humanities and government!!! :D
