
I can say I am in LOVE! Only not with one specific person, but with a college! I love DU. It is so much fun, everyone seems so happy and friendly, and I have already met so many people and they are all so nice. My dorm room is on the smallish side but its not bad at all. I really like it, I got it all set up really nicely. The only problem is we have these huge windows going basically to the roof (since im on the 3rd floor) and from the dorm and just the walkway lights its really light in our room when we are trying to sleep. But i am working on fixing that. Um... whatelse! My roommate is soooo nice, I really like her and we get along really well. I have been super busy with all this orientation stuff. Everyone that told me it was boring, was right, it is sooooooo boring! But oh well, im meeting a lot of nice people through it. Yesturday i said goodbye to my mom and aunt, which was sad, and I do miss everyone that i left behind, but I am just so happy here that i dont really let it occupy much of my time. I hope everyone else is enjoying themselves. I will update more often im sure. Casey
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